Feed (Retro Pixel Vampire Shotgun Survival Horror)

I’ve played some underground video games to review on this site, but let me tell you, Feed, by Rosaceae Games, is probably the most underground you’re going to get. This is beyond kvlt. This is so underground it’s not even sure if it itself exists. It’s so under the radar it’s registering in the depths of some primordial ocean trench as a mere flatline blip. And in spite of that, and as you often find, at the hands of the right indie dev or one-man team (as far as I know in this case), the right details come together for something that deserves to poke its head out of the cavern it dwells within, at least for some of us. Amazingly this game only has about three reviews currently and that’s probably as many people who have played it, too. But Feed you must! Get your shotgun, shoot vampires! Save your friends! Live the dream!
To be fair this one dropped only five days ago as of the publishing of this review, but still, Feed is beyond underground. Even after hearing about it you still haven’t heard about it. At any rate, using retro pixel graphics and an anime aesthetic, Feed puts you in control of Gwen. After you and your two girlfriends get trapped in a mansion overrun by vampires, the Resident Evil and/or Silent Hill horror kicks in and it’s up to you to save your friends, slay the vampires, and GTFO. Combining ideas from different genre including (loosely) point-and-click, Feed utilizes minimalistic settings and sound to set the mood, easily achieving some nice scares with the nosferatu beasts and cutscenes. There’s blood, tricky puzzles, and most importantly, a shotgun to blow these freaks away. The final boss, Carmilla, obviously named after the legendary 19th century novella, is hard as piss and with multiple endings to unlock and a relatively short playtime of approximately one hour, this is a sleeper waiting to hit and at a cheap price. Support this sicko and give it a whirl. ZZZ games for life. AAA for death.
Written by Stanley, Devourer of Souls
Rosaceae Games (developer and publisher)
4.3 / 5